Tuesday 31 August 2010

{Visa Interview :)}

Heyy guys,

So, I'm trying to write more often, especially since my NYC adventure is getting closer :)

Today I had an appointment at the US Embassy in Luxembourg for my visa interview. I'm going to the States on an F1 visa, a non-immigrant studentvisa. Next to the paperwork they need from you, you also have an interview at the embassy/consulate.

I had my appointment at 10h20, though I was there 30 minutes early (A) They checked my passport and then I was told to wait the other 30 minutes outside :) So I went into the city to have a coffee.

At 10h20 I was alowed inside. I had to leave all electronic devices and fluids and stuff like that behind with security. Then I had to go through one of those metal detector thingies. It was like airport security ;)

After the securitycheck I was escorted to the second building, where an employer of the embassy checked my documents and I paid the $ 140,- fee for the interview. The documents for an F1 are the I20 from the school that I'm attending, the DS160 that I filled out online, the SEVIS payment(another $ 200,-, yes a visa is expensive :), a certificat de residence, bank statement(to show my parents can support me, my passport and an envelope to send my passport back when there done with it.

Then my name was called, I entered a small room. A woman took my fingerprints and asked me what exactly EF UFY is and I could leave again.

So that was my visa interview :) Then I was escorted out again, got my stuff back and I was good to go. What an interesting life huh?? :D

Plans for the rest of the day? Going to see Salt in la Utopolis and I'm gonna get my perfect suitcase at Cactus :) I'll talk about THE suitcase later.


Sunday 29 August 2010

{Tomorrow in 3 weeks}

Heyy Guys,

So whats tomorrow in 3 weeks? Me growing wings and flying to NYC!! :D

So now I am thinking about what to pack, where t pack it in, what to leave behind. I'm working on a photobook that I'm taking with me. So I'm going through old pictures of me and my friends and family :) We were all so young there...

But now I'm off to printing them at Auchan and looking for a suitcase to take with me(yes, I'm gonna try to take ONE suitcase, I'll let you know how that goes ;)

Loves <3

*The picture above is one of the old ones, it's me and la familia :)