Tuesday 7 June 2011

{Today is the day}

They say it’s been a long time
They say it’s been a while
For me, it’s been a lifetime
Since I have seen your smile

We only part to meet again
I told you long ago
And meet again we shall, today

Because, today is the day
I am going home
Today is the day

Wednesday 1 June 2011

{AUP-American University of Paris}


So, as I announced yesterday, I will be starting college at the American University of Paris in the fall. Since I haven't done a post about this uni, and it isn't very well-known, I've decided to tell you something about it :)

So, first of all, when I'm talking about the American University of Paris, I'll be using an abbreviation: AUP. AUP is, as the name implies, an American university located in Paris, France. So, I'll be closer to home: two hours by TGV(hi-speed train) to Luxembourg :D Yes, that makes me very happy. The prices of the TGV don't make me very happy, it costs € 60,- one way. Though, as a student, I can purchase a € 50,- discount card, which will give me up to 50% discount on every trip :D

AUP was founded in 1962 by Lloyd DeLamater, and is one of the oldest American institutions of higher education in Europe. It is an accredited, non-profit university. They employ 61 full-time professors and 33 part-time professors from more than 20 countries. The studentbody is made up of 935 students representing over 100 nationalities.

As for the education part of the university, as I said, it is an accredited university. They have a 4-year undergraduate(bachelor) program with 17 majors and 36minors, and a 1-year graduate(master) program for 9 different masters. As for me, my intended major is international economics, and I am considering international law and international and comparative politics as minors. If you want to know more about their programs, I'll post a link to their website below.

AUP is centrally located in Paris, in the 7th arrondissement, near the Eiffel tower. The university has a urban campus: it consists of 8 different building, all within ten minutes walking of each other. As for housing, the university doesn't have dorms, but it does help it's students to find a room/appartment. As for me, I am hoping to find a room either in the 7th, 8th or 16th arrondissement, close to the university.

That's it for now, there is more to come about AUP(for the next 4 years, haha). Talk to you soon. Cheers!

Website: http://www.aup.edu/

P.S. I'll do a second post about the admissions process and the tuition/costs and other things I haven't covered in this one :)