Saturday 30 January 2010

{I love the french dream}

Heyy ya all :)

I love the dream of the perfect french woman. She has style, she eats delicious food and stays slim and she has it all in love...

Let's start with the style aspect. The best designers in the world are from France: Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent and my personal favourite Coco Chanel to name a few :) So the perfect french woman has style in her genes. The question is more: how could she not have style? A black/white striped shirt, a baret and perfume are a few famous signatures for french style.

Now to the food :) First of all, when people think of the french they think red wine, french cheese and café au lait. It is said that the french eat not only healthy, but most importantly of all: FRESH. The women don't work out at the gym to stay slim, they walk to get their groceries. Their fresh high quality ingredients aren't all from the same grocerystore, they go to markets and small stores, so they do walk a lot. Lastly to the coffee, I just <3 café au lait in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening :) I even enjoy making it since I bought my new and perfect milk creamer...

And love... It is said that in France it's fairly normal for a husband to have a mistress and that french men are real good at making love :) Ow, and I personally associate France with lingerie, french women are supposed to be wearing dazzling, sexy and luxiourious lingerie all the time...

So much about my obsession with the french, have a great night!


Wednesday 27 January 2010

{live. love. loft.}

Heyy ya all!

A late night message from Holland :)

I've found the solution to my little bathroom freezing problem: showering at the gym! I have a gym membership at David Lloyd Rotterdam and this month I've been there about 2 times *shame*

So this morning I worked out and showered, and tomorrow morning I'll go there at 7a.m., maybe lie in the sauna for 10-15 minutes, shower and go back home to dropp off my stuff, before racing to college :D

It's genious ain't it??

Ow, and as to the title, I just got mail from WhoWhatWear(a great website)about a special thing they arrange with LOFT clothing, a photoshoot in LA and a new wardrobe from LOFT :) Just to let you know, 'cause I can't participate...


Tuesday 26 January 2010

{Good morning}


Well, it's now 7 a.m. here and freezing in my room, but I'm hoping it'll get warmer :)

And now I'm of to my bathroom, where it is so cold, because the heating doesn't work and there is a door to the balcony, that doesn't close right... So there is always enough fresh air ;)

Have a great day you all!


Monday 25 January 2010

{Metro, tram, bus and train}


Yeah, it's me again... this time a mobile update :)

I've got a confession to make... I'm sometimes totally and utterly blonde, in the clischee way of the expression. Yes, sometimes I'm a dumb blonde ;)

I've gotten in the wrong metro from my friends house,which means that I'm now standing in the freezing cold, waiting for a tram that's too late. And I'm bored and cold... Wait, I already said that :)

Well, anyway, I just wanted to share my stupidnesss
with you... Aaahh, I've just let another tram pass :(

Everything is against me :( Oh well, lets not get depressed...

Freezing loves

*It took me over an hour to get home, instead of 20 minutes...

{Goals and keeping to them}


I'm now at a friends house, but wanted to update my new blog :)

I've read about 3/4 chapters of the 6 I need to read today, but I'm working on it... Allthough not right now, but I will in the metro and train home. Setting goals is nice, but keeping to them is harder than I thought.

But I've still got tonight, and tomorrow is another day. That's my usual thinking, but it works if you wanna sleep tight :)

Sweet dreams everyone


{Reading, reading, reading}


So for today there are 6 chapters on my literature reading menu :s 1 for macroeconomics, my most important course in economics at the time, and 5 for law, I'm starting a new course tomorrow :)

I'm trying to keep up with the literature, because it does help to have read(at least part of) it. And since my results until now weren't the best, I need to pass every course for the rest of the year, if I want to continue this study...

Now I gotta read, I've got a seminar at 1pm, but first I'm making pancakes at a friends house :)

Have a great day!

{Me, myself and I}


I'm Charline, live in Rotterdam and I'a freshman at Erasmus university, where I study Dutch law & Economics.

I've tried blogging before, stopping after generally 2 post, so let's try it again. I'm just reflecting on my life, maybe I'll find something special to blog about :)

I would love feedback on my blog, it's harder than it seems.
