Thursday 4 February 2010

{Browsing, Housing}

Heyy guys!

First of all, I wanna wish my big sis', Florentine, a good flight to Washington D.C., as she is in the air right now, and an amazing and swell time over there and the internship in the renaissance mayflower...

Now then to my little problems in life :) I've got a room in Rotterdam, but it's to far from uni(we're not on campus here) and I really wanna move in with two of my friends, who both wanna buy a house. So it still sounds great, two houses, my pick :) But we've decided to find to houses next to each other, which makes this a whole different story... It's really hard to find two houses in the right price/quality range. But we're trying, and in the end, I just really need a new room before July 14th(thats when my rent stops here).

So now you know what's going on I'm gonna by browsing for housing some more :)


*swell = same as amazing, I've got a new addiction, a series called Mad Men, which stages in NY in the 1960ies... I <3 it!

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