Tuesday 23 February 2010

{We are the world...}

Heeyy guys!!

First off, I'm so sorry for not blogging for so long... I've got exam week this week, so my life is crazy right now and filled with days in the library studying!

I just watched a programm on dutch tv, where they broadcasted a youtube video of the Youtube version of "We are the world" especially sung for Haiti, first by some great celebs...But the Youtube version is with 57 Youtubers, who sing like, AMAZING and the've all recorded it all around the world, put it together and I love it <3 It's definitely worth watching :D

So the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hhX0KkQBW4

This was it for now,


1 comment:

  1. Echt supertoevallig dat ik net een uurtje geleden ook het filmpje zat te kijken xD
