Friday 25 February 2011

{Spring break plans!}


So, in just two short weeks the famed spring break starts! For those of us staying for a semester, it is goodbye :( But for those of us who, like me, are staying until June, it means: Hello Miami, Orlando or Cancun(Mexico).

But as I have higher goals in life, ahem, I am not going to either one of these three. No, together with my friend David we are traveling south along the east coast and a little to the west.

Logically we start in New York[A]. We here take a bus to Boston[B], then to Philadelphia[C], to Washington D.C.[D], then to Charlotte[E]. Then from Charlotte we take the train to Atlanta[F] and then the bus back to New York[G], home sweet home.

The whole trip is planned for a total of 10 days and, according to google maps, is 2,196 miles(3,534 km) long. As we are taking the bus and walking around a lot we are planning on buying mid size backpacks to hold our stuff :) So, my first backpacking trip!

As my laptop is very susceptible for theft(not), I am planning on taking it with me and blogging throughout the trip.

That is it for now, I'll post a detailed travel schedule before we leave, and as always:


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