Tuesday 22 February 2011



I know I haven't updated for almost a month, and after a long, begging e-mail from my cousin I decided to write again.Here comes.

First and foremost, I have dyed my hair into a red-brown colour. So cool. You can see it in the picture above: redhead @ NYC.

Now, to the less important stuff. I have had midterms, a week or so ago, so I studied hard and aced them :) Well, most of them at least.

Then, I went to an off-Broadway play called: Love, loss and what I wore, which was great. We paid $ 25,- for the tickets, instead of $ 80,-, since we went there in the morning and picked them up :) One of the actors in the play was Alexis Bledel(from Gilmore Girls/The sisterhood of the traveling pants), and I got her autograph and a picture :D Ow, and one of our fellow play-admirers was Denzel Washington, btw.
[Pictures are coming up]

More exciting news coming up in my next post, and more regular updates are a promise!


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