Sunday 21 August 2011

{1 more week 'till Paris}

Damn people, it's been a while...

I know, I know, update more blondie! Well, to be comletely honest, nothing much has happened in my life in the past few months, since I've been working pretty much 24/7. Okay, 12/7.

So then, any free time you got, you wanna eat or sleep. Which I did. But my next adventure is getting close: studying at AUP(American University of Paris). I am super excited about orientation week, which is literally 1 week away.

I've booked my TGV for monday morning, and paid most of the tuition(or my dad did, but I'll pay him back...), so there's no going back now.

Ow, I do have some news: I bought a hamster!! Once he's over his photo phobia I'll take a pic and post it here, untill then: Adieu.

I'll be back soon!

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