Wednesday 31 August 2011

{Luxembourg - Paris}

Alright, so I am totally in the French mood already. Actually, to be honest, I am in France already, in the TGV between Thionville and Metz.
This morning I placed an amazingly long update[not], but to make it up to you, I’ll place one now. Although you got to admit, the cute, cuter, cutest Johnny picture did make up for the lack of words huh? Yes, I thought so.
So, on my way in the TGV. These things are seriously pretty!! And fast, or well, that’s what they say. We haven’t gone full speed yet, we will though, when we’ve made our last stop before Paris.[Metz], I think. Ah well.
So this morning I went to sleep at 12h30 and got up at like 5h15, and I was so proud of myself that I could actually get out of bed. It’s the excitement that gives me energy I guess, although the cafĂ© au lait does the trick too.
Then I repacked my tiny little suitcase and my weekend bag[see picture], and it turned out that I forgot to pack my running shoes[yes, I have some athletic ambitions]. So I pushed those in together with: a pair of boots, sandals and pair of heels, a full set of sheets for my bed, a towel, a huge amount of clothes[probably would be enough for two weeks, and I’m staying 6 days, mmm], a huge bag of soap, shampoo and stuff, a laptop and loads of wires. Yup, that was about it. And I just realized I forgot my flip-flops.
Well, then I got ready, and, almost ready to go, I realized I had forgotten to look up which metro to take to the FIAP[a student hostel where we are staying during orientation]. Oops, talk about organizational skills. But it all worked out, I have an address and know which color metro to take. I believe I can do it, even without a map.
But, back to business, so orientation coming up. Well, as I said, during orientation we are staying at the FIAP, a student hostel. Throughout the week, those who have chosen AUP housing[me, me, me] have meetings with people from the housing office, and they help us find a room. You actually get three choices to look at, if you don’t take any of them, you are at the bottom of the list. The list is arranged by date of confirmation, so now I hope I was early 
My preferred housing: a loft[keep dreaming] or a furnished room, as close to the uni as possible, as around € 450,- incl. electricity and hot water and stuff[reality]. I don’t really care if it is super small, I just want to be close to AUP, as in Rotterdam I didn’t enjoy the daily 30 minute bike ride to the uni, especially in the rain…
So, then, throughout the week we have to take placement tests for English, French and math. The math placement test I am just taking as a formality, since I actually don’t have to take math, because I have 8 ECTS from Erasmus in math. Yaaaay! So I can take another class instead…
The rest of the orientation schedule consists of activities in red[mandatory], which are mostly meetings about AUP with AUP staff, like housing, health insurance, classes, student advisors etc. Then, there are the activities in blue[recommended], they are mostly workshops against the cultue shock[haha], and campus tours. Last but not least, there are the activities in green[just for fun], these are dinners, sightseeing tours, and info about AUP’s extracurricular activities[committees, sports etc.].
So that’s it for now, I’ll let you know how it goes.
P.S. By now I've been in Paris for two days already, update soon

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