Saturday 25 September 2010

{I got a new skirt}

Heyy guys,

Since It is crazy warm here in New York, I bought a new skirt. It's short and white and from Stefanel. It only cost me $ 3,- at a thriftshop here in Tarrytown, called Deja Vu.

I know you dig it :P


{I *heart* NYC}


Okay, so here's my NYC story. I've went with the train from Tarrytown to Grand Central, it cost me about $ 20,- and it took 35 minutes. I arrived at Grand Central terminal at around 10 'o clock wedensday morning.

I then got gloriously lost in All the people and streets, but even getting lost is great in NYC :P But I found the way back to 5th avenue, thanks to my filofaxmap of Manhattan, my new best friend.

So I strolled down 5th avenue, went to Sachs 5th ave, Henri Bendels, Bergdorf and Goodman etc. etc. But I didn't buy a thing :D something of which I am very proud. I also went Into St. Patricks Cathedral. 3 Hours later I arrived at the Plaza Hotel and the south entrance of Central Parc. I had lunch in Central parc and then walked down Madison ave towards 42nd steet.

I then headed east to Times square, where I bought a I<3NY T-shirt for only $ 3,- :) After that I went into some more shops on my way back to Grand Central, I got some Starbucks on the way and took the train back to Tarrytown.

So that was my first trip to NYC, lots of shopping, little cultural stuff. But that'll come lateron I guess.

Loves to all...

P.S. I'm now addicted to Reeses Peanutbuttercup Icecream :)

Friday 24 September 2010

{Quick update}


Sorry for this boring quick update, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive, NYC was great and my introday was fun. I let you know more tomorrow :)


Tuesday 21 September 2010

{My new home}

Heeyy peopelies :)

How ya'll doing??

Yesterday evening I arrived at my new home. I'm living with a host family, their house is about 20 minutes walking from the campus. I'm sharing my room with another girl, who's arriving on thursday.

Compared to the rooms on campus, where you share the room with 3 others and you don't have inet in your room, I think I already prefer a hostfamily.

Today I walked down to the Hudson, exploring Sleepy Hollow a little. I than walked to Tarrytown, did some window-shopping :) And I was in a supermarket and a drugstore, I love supermarkets and drugstores here!

Ow, and tomorrow I'm going to NYC :D Grand Central, Times Square, 5th Avenue etc. etc.


Monday 20 September 2010

PICTURES of my first day :)

Hi guys,

To make it easier and more fun, I've put a few pictures from my journey from Junglinster to Tarrytown into a youtube video :)


P.S. I slept on campus last night because it was too late to go to my host, but this afternoon at 4 p.m., I'm going there, so I'll let you know all about it tonight.

{EF-UFY University Foundation Year 101}


So, for everyone who’s been asking me or themselves what a University Foundation Year is, I’m explaining it in detail right here.

Alright, so I am doing the UFY in New York, though I think that the program is the same at every EF school in the US. The EF New York school is located in Tarrytown, a 40 minute train ride from Manhattan. Before the EF school the campus was used by Marymount college. Ef bought the campus in 1991 I think.

EF offers 2 programs in the US, a 6-month or a 9-month program. I’m doing the 9-month program, which starts the 23rd of September.

So basically a UFY is a year in which you improve your English and prepare for college in the US. The year starts with focusing on English skills and test preparation in the fist months and working towards university readiness later on. It’s also later in the ear that you can choose elective courses. I’ll list the courses and elective courses below(for a 9-month UFY) with the periods(80 minutes) a week.
•Term 1: SAT preparation-3/Academic vocabulary-3, TOEFL skills-5, Writing fundamentals-2, Grammar and pronunciation-4, University application workshop-2
•Term 2: Advanced TOEFL-4, Academic writing and grammar-3, Advanced reading-2, Advanced culture and communications-2, Application workshop-1, College survival skills-2 , Elective-2
•Term 3: Research writing-3, Advanced college lecture series-2, Critical reading and analysis-2, Communicative presentations-3, 3 Electives-3x2
•Electives: Advanced business concepts, Business basics, Creative writing, Crime, Community service learning, Debates, Drama, History of music, Psyology, International political economy
These are just some examples, they vary according to location.

So, this is basically what I’m going to do this year, though I guess except for attending school I’ll be shopping, browsing through NYC and hopefully have a lot of fun  Ow, and I’ve got holidays too.
Orientation: 23-26/09/2010
Term 1: 27/09/2010 ‘till 17/12/2010(12 weeks)
Christmas break: 18/12/2010 ‘till 9/01/2011
Term 2: 10/01/2011 ‘till 11/03/2011(9 weeks)
Spring break: 12/03/2011 ‘till 27/03/2011
Term 3: 28/03/2011 ‘till 3/06/2011
That was all I can tell you guys now about the UFY, I’m sure I’ll be telling a lot more about it throughout my year :)

Talk to ya’ll later


Heyy guys,
So I am on my plane to JFK :) but by the time I upload this, I’ll be in my new house…

As I said earlier, I flew from Luxembourg to Paris at 16h35. I arrived at about 17h20 at CDG. Then I had to walk my way from Hall 2D to 2E, it’s quite a distance, but I made it easily. I went through customs and then to the Skyteam lounge, free drinks, food, internet and comfy chairs. I love my frequent flyer card. When I left the lounge I thought how cool it’d be to upload to blogger from the lounge, but too late :s


P.S. Pictures are coming tomorrow!

Sunday 19 September 2010

{So today is the day...}

Hello everyone,

In approx. 5 hours I will leave home to go to the airport... EXCITING!!

I've cleaned out my room(I've got one closet, three drawers, a bookcase and a small cabinet filled with all thats left behind), I've got a suitcase that fits all, but is overweight(still some work to do) and I've got all my paperwork as far as I can tell.

Why doesn't anyone ever tell you how hard it is to pack up all the important stuff and leave for 3 months?? Well, I might be a bit overconcious on the clothing/fashion part, but I'd just hate to have left a piece of clothing behind and then find out that I needed it...

So, I'm going to try to thow out some stuff to get 6 kilo overweight on my suitcase of.

Talk to you soon...


Saturday 18 September 2010

{30 hours to go}

Heyy guys,

Now everyone is probably thinking how bad I am at math, but the 30 hours are right :)
My flight has been cancelled, changed, whichever, and I'm now flying tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. from Luxembourg to Paris, than at 7.10 p.m. from Paris to JFK.

Right now I'm starting to stress, since I still have to clean out my room, pack my stuff and socialize at the same time :)

But I've still got 30 hours to go, chill, take a deep breath and carry on.

Loves <3

Friday 3 September 2010

{Suitcase Vlog}

Hey everyone :)

How ya all doing?? I'd love some feedback on my blog, if you guys got the time to read it. Today is vlog time, so here's the link to my Youtube channel, CharlyV1991(duh) and, eh, enjoy...
