Saturday 25 September 2010

{I *heart* NYC}


Okay, so here's my NYC story. I've went with the train from Tarrytown to Grand Central, it cost me about $ 20,- and it took 35 minutes. I arrived at Grand Central terminal at around 10 'o clock wedensday morning.

I then got gloriously lost in All the people and streets, but even getting lost is great in NYC :P But I found the way back to 5th avenue, thanks to my filofaxmap of Manhattan, my new best friend.

So I strolled down 5th avenue, went to Sachs 5th ave, Henri Bendels, Bergdorf and Goodman etc. etc. But I didn't buy a thing :D something of which I am very proud. I also went Into St. Patricks Cathedral. 3 Hours later I arrived at the Plaza Hotel and the south entrance of Central Parc. I had lunch in Central parc and then walked down Madison ave towards 42nd steet.

I then headed east to Times square, where I bought a I<3NY T-shirt for only $ 3,- :) After that I went into some more shops on my way back to Grand Central, I got some Starbucks on the way and took the train back to Tarrytown.

So that was my first trip to NYC, lots of shopping, little cultural stuff. But that'll come lateron I guess.

Loves to all...

P.S. I'm now addicted to Reeses Peanutbuttercup Icecream :)


  1. Times square ziet er nog hetzelfde uit :) Mooie rok trouwens die je hebt gekocht! Kus

  2. Hi there, where was the picture taken, is that Time square? Daddy

  3. @Flo: Thx en ja Times square verandert vast niet veel in 2 maanden :)
    @Daddy: Ja, dit is Times square :)
