Sunday 14 November 2010

{Brooklyn without a map}

Hi guys!

As promised more updates!!! I had a busy day yesterday: I packed all my stuff and moved to the campus, to St. Johns 505 :)

In the afternoon I went to NYC with Jenny and Katharina, the coolest germans ever :D We decided to go to the Brooklyn Bridge, which I hadn't seen yet... So we took the subway from Grand Central, changed to another subway and then got gloriously lost in Chinatown and Little Italy.

After asking around we did get to the bridge *smile* Loads of pictures were taken, just love looking like a tourist. Then on the bridge we bumped into two guys from EF who were riding a tandem :) So, I rode down the bridge towards Brooklyn on the back of a tandem, a once in a lifetime experience :P

So we got to Brooklyn safe and sound. We wanted to eat something so we went looking for a place that looked nice. One tip: never, ever go walking through Brooklyn without knowing where you're going, or at least a map. Allthough we didn't find a place to eat, we did get home after stalking some people for directions to the subway adn walking up and won some street three times.

So another adventurous day in the life of...


1 comment:

  1. ik dacht al beautiful breukelen te zien op je facebook foto's :)
