Saturday 27 November 2010

{Today in 3 weeks}


So now you are all wondering what's happening today in 3 weeks. Well, at 10.35 p.m. Eastern time, I am taking off from JFK to Paris and then to Luxembourg :D Home, sweet home...

But first I have a few busy weeks ahead of me. Next saturday I have my SAT World History subject test, and than the saturday after I have my TOEFL test. Also, in a week, my finals start for my UFY subjects. I have to write about 10-15 essays for college applications and the application deadlines are getting closer...

Also, I have to do some serious Christmas shopping for mi familia :) And ofcourse I want to enjoy Manhattan at holiday season time.

So whoever said the holiday season is stressfull, I agree. But then again, I *heart* Christmas, so in the end all the stress is worth it...

I'll keep you updated on my tests, applications and shopping, but first: B.R.U.N.C.H., the best meal of the day :D

Love to all!


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