Monday 24 January 2011

{Damn, I should update more}

Hi guys!!

I'm soooo sorry for not blogging for a month or so, but I promise, I'll update every day for the rest of the month.

I have had a crazy busy time after getting home. Over the holidays I finished 3 college applications(Yale, Williams and Chicago) and I finished the Chicago financial aid application.

I had an amazing Christmas and the best new years party ever(Thanks Mina!), although I don't remember all of it anymore, haha. For pictures, please check facebook. I can't upload anything since my cable is still in my suitcase, which is still missing(I'll address that one in a seperate post).

In the beginning of January I went to Holland for a few days to visit my mom, friends and family in Rotterdam and I had to pick up some official documents at my former university. I also met the monsters my mom teaches every day, good luck with that :) Afterwards I went back to Luxembourg, where I spend two more days before flying back.

Saturday the 8th of january I arrived in the States again and it's been crazy busy again. I had the Georgetown application deadline the 10th and the Smith application deadline the 14th of January, but I ot both in on time. Than I took SAT last saturday(the 22nd), and I now am waiting for the results.

As for school, the second term is fun. I have three electives and some standards subjects(for this also, I'll post a seperate post). I'm still on 16 hours per week, and I'd like more, but I'm not allowed. I have 8 different subjects nw, which means more homework: one of the reasons I haven't been updating.

Then, I have some exciting news: I am going to apply to the american University in paris. Yes, in Paris. This way I could get the american college system, but closer to home. Check out their website: I'll also give some more info about this one later :)

In the coming week I have my financial aid deadlines for Williams, Smith and Georgetown comming up, so busy again. But I promise I'll update!

I'm staving, so I'm gonna eat now!



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