Thursday 27 January 2011

{EF-UFY University Foundation Year 102}


So as many of you know, I am doing a University Foundation Year at EF International School of English in NY. In this year(9 months) I'm preparing for University in the US, by improving my English speaking, writing, reading etc.

These 9 months are split up in 3 terms, I finished term 1 and am now in the middle of term 2. Unlike term 1, we now have electives on subjects that interest us, but we do still have some basic classes:
- Application Workshop - 1 hour
In application workshop our University Pathways Manager, the lovely Megan, helps us
with applications and gives us information about the process.
- Advanced Reading - 2 hours
My least favorite subject so far, although I do like reading. In this class we are
reading 1984 by George Orwell and we learn how to skim and scan texts and how to
find answer to questions more easily.
- Academic Writing&Grammar - 2 hours
In this class we just do writing really, not so much grammar(yay). We prewrite,
draft and rewrite the final essay and have to hand in a different one every week.
- College Survival Skills - 2 hours
So in this one we learn how to survive in college(duh) and we read through a book
of case studies, not exceptionally interesting, but it can't hurt.
- Culture and communication - 2 hours
As the name says we talk about different cultures, especially the American culture
versus our culture and we analyze how different behaviour can be seen as weird or
even offending in other cultures.
Then there are the electives, there are many electives and I only can tell about 3(that's how many I have), but since this blog is all about me :P
- Biology - 2 hours
In biology we relearn the basics of cells and photosynthesis etc. I've had it all
before, but it is nice to learn it again :)Later in the term we'll write a paper
for credit.
- Economics - 2 hours
In economics, it is kind of the same thing, we relearn the basic economic theories,
but we also learn about famous economists, which I never did in school. We also
have to give a presentation with a partner on one of these famous people.
- Journalism - 2 hours
In Journalism we each write 1 piece per week, every week a different kind of piece.
We then want to put the most interesting one together into a UP newspaper :)
So those were all my subjects, as you can see 16 hours(80 minutes) per week, so I have a lot of time left to do stupid things or visit NYC :D

Loads of love,



  1. wow!!!!
    great style!!
    of course follow u

  2. Charline, my name is Carolina. I am a Spanish girl who is interested in studying the University Foundation Year in the UK with EF. I don't know if I am going to learn and if this school (EF) is as good as it seems.
    Could you tell me your opinions about the teachers and if you are happy with the course? ^^
    Thank you very much.

