Wednesday 26 January 2011

{My lists}


I have decided to post my most important random lists, later I'll do some individual posts about the items on the lists :)

List No 1: Movies to see
- Black Swan
- The Kings Speech
- Blue Valentine
- No Strings Attached
The first 3 are nominated (several) times for the academy awards, and I hadn't seen them yet, so I really have to. Theres more good movies/actors nomivated, but these are supposedly really good.
Here's a link to the NY Times list on Academy Award nominations:

List No 2: Books to read
- 1984, by George Orwell
- The imperfectionists, by Tom Rachman
- War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy
The first one I have to read for reading class, the second I already started and it is really great untill now. As for the third, since it is such a classic I want to read it, but the 700-something pages scare me a little.

List No 3: Universities I applied to
- Yae University, New haven CT
- Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
- University of Chicago, Chicago IL
- Williams College, Williamstown MA
- Smith College, Northhampton MA
- American University of Paris, Paris France
This list is slightly different from the one I gave you guys about 2 months ago, but I'll get into detail about every university/college in later posts.

This was all for now,



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