Monday 20 December 2010

{Flying home for christmas, or not.}


Okay, so I promised I'd write from Luxembourg next time, but today I'm writing from Paris, France. Karma.

So, I was sceduled to fly from JFK to Paris CDG on saturday at 21h45. I'd arrive at CDG at 11h00 and then fly on to Luxembourg at 12h40, where I'd arrive at 13h30. Well, it all got a little problematic when the weather decided it'd be fun it there were snow everyday in the whole of central and western Europe.

So, when I arrived at JFK about 5 hours early(I shared a cab with someone leaving at 17h00), it turned out my luggage was overweight. I had to take out 7 of the 30 kilo's, so then I went wandering the terminal with books and my coats...

Okay, then I want to get through security, but it is the saturday before Christmas, so it is crowded, with a capital C. I'm becoming an expert at cueing these days. Then, while waiting at security I saw that my flight was delayed for an hour and a half. We were now sceduled to take off at 23h10.

So I spend the rest of the night chillin' at the Air France Lounge on JFK :) These lounges have saved my life the last days. By the time we took off it was 23h45. The flight to Paris was okay, I even slept for 5 hours or so. The we landed in a white snowy world. At CDG we were parked somewhere and then had to wait for 2 hours in the plane, before we could taxi to the gate, since all the gates were occupied. Then we had to wait for groundpersonell to attach the gate to the plane :)

Okay, then I was in terminal 2E, my flight to Luxembourg was cancelled and I didn't have a boardingcard to get into terminal 2D(were the flights to luxembourg leave), so I had to cue in 2E at an Air France helpdesk. In the cue I made some friends with some American and Dutch people :) After SEVEN hours of waiting(standing , pushing and no food/drinks) I was finally at the counter, where an Air France employee told me I had to leave Terminal 2E and go to the Luxair checkin in terminal 2D. So I had just spend all afternoon and evening cueing for nothing...

At around 22h00 I arrived at terminal 2D, where everything was closed. I couldn't find a Luxair representative and decided it'd be better to spend the night at the airport and go to Air France again in the morning. I installed myself at a radiator in Terminal 2D with two coats, hanging on my bag. Midnight the "Protection Civile" woke me up, asked if I was alone and when I answered yes, they told me it was too dangerous. They had some blankets and water in a trminal downstairs, so I spend another 5 hours there.

At 5h00 on Monday morning I went to Terminal 2D, they let me in without the boardingpass once I explained the situation and then I, again, cued for tyhe Airfrance desk, although it wasn't going to open for another hour or so. Two hours later I was at the counter again and this time it was no problem booking me onto another flight. I was assigned the 12h40 flight to Luxembourg. Then it started snowing again... So the flight was cancelled. Surprising. I then decided to see if there was any way to get my checked luggage back. At the luggage counter we were given forms to fill out, s the luggage could be sent to us in about 2-3 days.

Well, even so, I still wanted to find a way home. So I enquired after the trains. Well no one on the airport knows anything, I called home and heard that the CFL had announced there would be any trains coming into or leaving Luxembourg. So I resceduled my flight again to tomorrow morning and am now waiting for a hotelroom, which is quite a problem, since there are so many people stuck.

That is it for now, I'll update again when I know more.


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