Wednesday 15 December 2010

{Muhahaha, guess who I saw}

Hello pumpkins!

How are you all doin'?? I'm great. I am in the air in 72 hours, on my way to Paris :) So I am freaking out woth excitement.

Here it is getting cold, on monday we had outr first real snow for this winter! But now it's just cold, which is less cool, since I almost killed my toes and fingers today while I was waiting for an hour and a half to see Jessica Alba, Ben Stller, Robert De Niro, Owen Wilson and Dustin Hoffman :)

But in the end, it was all worth it: I did see them(no pictures this time, I forgot my camera *blond*) and I can live with 8 toes and 8 fingers ;) As long as I can hold my cup of Starbucks...

Today I did part two of my christmas shopping in Manhattan, and I'm planning of finishing the present hunt in Palisades Mall on friday. Familymembers: You will get spoiled by all the presents :P

I also finished gathering all the required documents for the universities I'm applying to. There has been a small change of plans, instead of the University of Washington in Seattle I am applying to Smith College, an all-womens college in Northhampton, MA. I'll update on the applications some more when I get home :)

For now, love to all and enjoy the holiday season. I know I do.


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