Tuesday 15 March 2011

{Day 2 - Boston}


So, as day two is almost over, I am writing to you from the South Street Diner in Boston, MA. It is a really American movie like looking diner, with great and cheap food 24/7. If you are ever in Boston, definitely check it out!! For more info on the menu or the diner, go to their website: http://southstreetdiner.com/

Today we started the day of in Starbucks, after the coffee at the hostel turned out to be worst than the coffee in Rita, which is hard, but apparently not impossible... So, after having a tall Pike Place Roast and some high speed Internet(perfect start of the morning), we took the subway to MIT, located in Cambridge, just across the river from Boston.

We went on the 11 a.m. campus tour, and our very enthusiastic tourguide told us all about the academics, facilities and student life at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT, duh). We then had lunch at the student center of MIT, and then walked to Harvard University. At Harvard there were no tours, since it is spring break, so we just walked around, took some pictures and then we went back to the city center. There I bought some postcards and an official Harvard T-shirt :D

At 7.10 p.m. we went to the movie Adjustment Bureau, for $8,- instead of $12,-, a promotion from the hostel. The movie was so-so, it was a typical love story with a happy end and some details about some guy making decisions for everyone. After that we went beck to the hostel, where we had stored our back packs for the day, and we walked to South street diner. I had a Sirloin steak with french fries and a hot chocolate with whipped cream, and David had the breakfast special with ham, eggs and pancakes and, off course, orange juice.

That's it for now, we are catching our bus to Philly at 12.15 a.m., where we are scheduled to arrive at 5.40 a.m. with a busy, but really cool day ahead.


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