Sunday 20 March 2011

{Day 5 – Washington D.C.}

Sorry for the late update, the trip has been quite exhausting, so I didn’t find the energy to write. But now I do, so here goes.
So, my second day in Washington D.C., we first checked out of the hotel and walked to Union Station, where we wanted to store the backpacks. We did the same thing in Philadelphia and it cost us $ 3,-, but when we got to the counter, they told us it was $ 20,- per backpack for 5 hours or more. Well we didn’t have a choice really, so we left the backpacks and $ 40,- there.
After this I got on the Old Town Trolley again. I actually filmed some of it, so I want to upload that footage soon :) I got off in the city center, and made my way to Starbucks for breakfast, since the breakfast in the hotel sucked. In Starbucks, I read my email and found out that I got accepted into the American University of Paris!
After Starbucks I decided to go the Museum of Natural History, since I hadn’t been to a museum in D.C. yet, and my sister told me I should go there. Well, she is right, it is amazing, and since it’s a Smithsonian museum, it is also free! There is like huge whales and dinosaurs, they’re even kind of creepy. So, if you’re ever in D.C., definitely go check it out.
After that I went to the White house visitors center, which is not located next to the white house, but a few blocks down. I had seen the White house yesterday, but didn’t have the opportunity to go to the visitors center yet. Inside the visitors center you can get a virtual tour of the White House, which is great if you can’t go in person, and there is much more information about the presidents and their families. Also, I bought a poster of the 1799 painting of George Washington, for only $ 1,-.
With a few hours left in D.C. I decided to check out the place where my sister had lived last year, 400 Massachusetts Avenue. It is absolutely amazing, it is so close to everything :D Off course I couldn’t go in, so that was a short trip, and I went for dinner in Chinatown. While I was there I ran into a cinema, and since I still had some time to kill, I decided to go watch Red Riding Hood. The movie was so-so, but at least I wasn’t bored.
Now it was time to go back to Union Station, where I again checked my email and found out that I didn’t get into the University of Chicago :( We picked up our backpacks, and took the 11.00 p.m. bus to Charlotte, N.C., where we arrived at 7.00 a.m. the next day.
Btw. I love Union Station, it is so pretty, although nothing can beat Grand central if you ask me.

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