Thursday 17 March 2011

{Day 3 - Philadelphia}


Sorry for the late update, my Philadelphia day was exhausting, so I didn't have the energy to update last night... We arrived in Philadelphia at 6.00 a.m. after just a few hours of sleep in the bus. First we dropped of the back packs at the Amtrak baggage depot. The Philly trainstation is huge and B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. :D

Then, after taking the metro and walking through Philadelphia a little, I found Café Estelle, the café that I had planned to have breakfast at. But it wasn't as nice as I had first thought, so I decided to keep going. After some searching, I finally found a little place called Delicatessen, located on 703 Chestnut Street, between 7th and 8th street. The picture up on the right is the interior of this place. If you want to know more, check out their website:

So, after that I went on the constitutional walk. I started at the Independence Visitors Center, the went on to Independence Hall, Congress Hall and Old City Hall. After that I went to Liberty Bell, passed by Library Hall and went to Carpenters Hall. The last stop on my walk was Franklin Court. There are as much as 19 sights to see along the constitutional walk, but since I was so tired, I decided to leave it at that, I had seen the most important stuff :)

Then, I had well, eh, kinda lunch at Starbucks, with two of their newest treats, called petites. I had a Red Velvet Whoopie Pie and a Tiramisu Cake Pop. And they are amazing, my new addiction. Then, I decided I wanted to relax a it more, so i walked into a hairdressers called Charlie's, and since they had an opening, I got my hair cut. Nothing extreme, just the ends and my bangs.

After that it was already time to leave for the bus to Washington D.C. from where I am writing you right now. We arrived at aroung 9 p.m., went to the hotel and almost immediately fell asleep.

Well, that was my Philly adventure. I loved Philadelphia, have to definitely go back sometime soon.


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