Monday 21 March 2011

{Day 7 - Atlanta}

Okay, so today was not my day. First at 2.45 a.m. we took the Amtrak from Charlotte to Atlanta. Well, I had hoped to travel comfortably and sleep the whole way, but since the air conditioning was on all night, it was freezing cold in the train. The chairs however, were comfortable, but because of the cold, I kept waking up.
At 8.00 a.m. we arrived in Atlanta. We wanted to take the backpacks to the hotel and then just chill, but first we had to wait for 30 minutes for the checked luggage to be available. Then, we decided to take a cab to the hotel, since we had no idea where to go, and without a map, walking around Atlanta wouldn't have been such a good idea.
On our way to the hotel, we ran into a marathon, so it took the driver about 20 minutes to figure out a new way to the hotel. Instead of 10 dollars the ride ended up costing us 22 dollars. So we got at the hotel at around 9.00 a.m. and off course were too early to check in, so we left the bags there and went looking for the next Starbucks for coffee and breakfast.
We found one, but, shockingly, it was closed. Since when does Starbucks close??? Well, after that we decided to go to Dunkin Donuts, where I had a bagel with scrabled eggs and cheese, or something that is supposed to be the same thing, I'm starting to miss Rita hall food :)
At noon we went back to the hotel, passing the Philips Arena on our way, were loads of people were waiting and buying tickets, probably for an NCAA game. We checked in, and once in our room took a shower and slept all through the afternoon. At 5.30 p.m. I woke up, got ready and we had dinner, then we made our way to the Phillips Arena for an Atlanta Hawks basketball game that we had tickets for.
We then arrived there, I looked at the ticket and saw the time was 2.00 p.m. and not 7.00 p.m., yes, we had missed the game...
We went back to the hotel, chilled some more and went to sleep. As I said, not my day, hoping the next two will be better :)

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