Friday 18 March 2011

{Day 4 - Washington D.C.}


Again, sorry for the late update, but these sight seeing days are exhausting. So, after a long night of sleep, which I totally needed, I got on the Old Town Trolley, and went driving through Washington D.C. It cost me $35,-, but they had a promotion that I could use it for two consecutive days.

I walked to Union station, which is a totally amazing looking marble station building, where I got on the trolley. Nice thing about this trolley is that you don't have to walk every where, and my feet are grateful. So, I saw the Capitol, the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. In the trolley, we drove by almost all of the museum on the National Mall.

This city has just so much to do! I can't choose whether I want to go to this museum or that one, or if i want a picture of me on the steps of the capitol or in front of the white house... So, I chose to take the trolley to Georgetown and visit Georgetown University. I went on a student guided tour there, and I now really want to go there, but I haven't heard back from them yet.

Well, after that I did some shopping and surfing, and took some pictures of the White House. Since it was St. Patricks Day the fountains where green :D Then I went back to the hotel for an early night, since the day had totally tired me out...

Loves from D.C.!

P.S. I got an email this morning, I got accepted into the American University of Paris:D Not sure if I am going, I'll wait for my other Uni's to reply and then decide. But I'll keep you updated on that one.

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