Friday 11 March 2011

{Term 2 = over}


So, as of today 12:50 p.m. EST term two, for me, is over. I have spend nine weeks, 16 hours per week in a classroom and double those hours eating, partying and just chilling with friends.

The core classes this term, were kind of fun, though my electives were more fun. I'll just quickly list the classes I took this term(5 core classes, 3 electives), the amount of hours per week, and my thoughts about the classes.
- Academic writing & grammar(3 hours/week)
This subject was more writing than grammar(thank God), and it was actually kind of fun. Every week we wrote and handed in one essay, and each different week, we wrote a different kind of essay. I have written persuasive, comparative, narrative and cause and effect essays, a personal commentary, a fictional story and lots more. We took one hour per week to explain the kind of essay we were writing and to brainstorm and do some pre-writing. One hour per week for actually writing the essay, and one for revising and handing in the essay.
- Reading(2 hours/week)
I did not enjoy reading at all. Maybe it was the book, maybe the teacher, maybe just me, or a mix of all three. We were reading 1984, a dystopian novel by George Orwell, but as usual with reading books in school: I did not read it. I did however read the first 25 pages, a summary from sparknotes and passed the subject.
- College survival(2 hours/week)
In this class we had a book called "Ethics and college student life" which you should definitely buy! Haha, no not really. The book has some case studies, which we discussed in class, and that was fun. We also kept a journal and wrote twice a week about each topic we talked about in class: sex, drugs and rock 'n roll :)
- Application workshop(1 hour/week)
Instead of the 2 hours in the first term, we only had 1 hour of application workshop this term, and we'll have none next term :( But thank God, Megan is teaching a literature class next term(for which I signed up), so hopefully I'll still have classes with her. As for the subject, it was fun and helpful, just like last term.
- Biology Elective(2 hours/week)
This was a class that I actually hadn't chosen, but I changed into it, since it fitted my schedule best. I am not crazy about biology, but it was fun. I especially enjoyed the last class in which we had a "science fair" where we had to do some experiments in front of our "celeb judges" :)
- Journalism Elective(2 hours/week)
For journalism we wrote 1 article per week, from interviews, to personal commentaries to eyewitness reports. We have published 3 UP times in those 9 weeks, filled with the articles we wrote. I doubt anyone read them, but it was a fun class to do.
- Economics Elective(2 hours/week)
In economics class we mostly revised thing I already knew, but had forgotten over the years. We first did macro economics, then micro. You either love economics or not, so for those who didn't it wasn't all that great, but I loved it. The midterm and the final were thought, but it was a good preparation for university level studies.

Well, overall a positive outcome for my second term at EF New York, following the University Preparation program. Now I have two weeks spring break and I'll be traveling along the east coast and blogging about it, so follow me pls :) As to school, on the 28th of March, term 3 starts, so another 10 weeks of UP and then, on June 7th, I am flying home.

Time flies, but I really am enjoying it.


P.S. The pic was taken in D'Espresso, a café on 42nd street, between Park and Madison :)

1 comment:

  1. "The pic was taken in D'Espresso, a café on 42nd street, between Park and Madison" - everybody eats at the same places.....
